Monday, December 8, 2008

Yeah yeah, I bought a new race suit..

That last suit (The Challenge by Sparco) was nice, very nice actually. 3 Layer, Exceeded SFI3.2/5 fire safety ratings, but was as thick as a frickin comforter (or at least it felt that way), so I went ahead and traded it in for another 3 layer suit, called the Sparco "Sparco". Yes the model name is the same as the brand, don't ask me. Its just as safe, but is about 2/3's as thick and bulky, which means it is quite comfortable. They didnt have it in grey, so I went out on a limb, and bought a crazy color called "Celeste". Check it out (and as the crasftman poinmted out, I am INDEED a Sparco fanboy.)


supergoober said...

FAIL!...just kidding. Looks better, and I suppose if dying of heat stroke was an issue, this was the better choice. The color though....hmmm....did they have one in Red? or Cream? or Gray? or even Yellow? Baby blue looks a tad bit....Disco.

ThePerfectLine said...

They had Red,m but with white piping, and the blue is just such a blazee' royal blue. Really the best color was black, but didnt want to get black because of sunny races, and this one looked different enough to be cool. I like it, and I am saw not one other person wearing the color, which I like.