Monday, November 17, 2008

So I am ready for the 24 hours of LeMons race!

Andrew and I did some shopping this weekend and I am now ready for the race at the end of the month. You have no idea how hot all this stuff is, man, I don't know how people do this all the time! Nothing like driving a $500 85 Mustang 5.0 to make you really think about your needs as they relate to fire preparedness!!!!
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supergoober said...

You don't look complete without the HANS bro...and you need some patches!

ThePerfectLine said...

Yeah, umm.. No HANS, though the neck collar is in the mail.

I was thinking of putting patches for each track I have driven, simple and not much else.

Which means only a few patches;


I need to expand that horizon.. PIR and SIR are calling my name, Pahrump, Fontana Motor Speedway.. sheesh, I have to get to work!

ThePerfectLine said...


Steve T. said...

Dude when you run a race at Nashville Super Speedway you will have to let me know.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're doing a lemon race this monthy??